Norwegian Prosecution Goes after Bodnariu Again

the-bodnariu-familyWell, it is clear that Norway will not leave the Bodnariu family alone. The Norwegian government needs to step in and put an end to this harassment because it looks like someone in the prosecutor’s office wants some kind revenge.

Norwegian and Romanian news sites are reporting today that prosecutors in Norway are indicting Marius and Ruth Bodnariu for violence against their children which could potentially lead to prison terms. Continue reading “Norwegian Prosecution Goes after Bodnariu Again”

Americans, What Would You Do if the CPS Shows Up at Your Door?


This is a great article written by Christian blogger Becky Hastings. It applies to Americans who find themselves crossing paths with the Child Protective Services. Seriously, what would you do if they knock on your door? Continue reading “Americans, What Would You Do if the CPS Shows Up at Your Door?”

Delight in Truth: 500,000 Visitors

piano-picI never intended to turn this site into an anti-CPS blog when I started out. I meant to focus on theology, discernment in the church, and topics about the Christian struggle with the world. But when I heard about what Barnevernet did to the Bodnariu family I started writing articles to inform my friends about the situation. Unexpectedly, visitors from all over the world like professor Marianne Skanland arrived here leaving well-informed and well researched information. Mr Knut Nygaard who represents the Norwegian CPS has also been a regular commentator, and he has given us front row sitting and insight into how Barnevernet thinks and works. Continue reading “Delight in Truth: 500,000 Visitors”

Norway, Close the Bodnariu Case!

13392144_994884043913290_937203725641661935_oThe Norwegian newspaper Firda reports today that the criminal investigation against the Bodnariu parents has concluded and the results have been forwarded to the Norwegian equivalent of the district attorney’s office. The article states that results of the investigation have not been made public, but the parents can still be prosecuted in criminal court if the district attorney wishes to do so, despite the fact that the children have been returned. Continue reading “Norway, Close the Bodnariu Case!”

Biola and Other Christian Universities Targeted by LGBT Agenda

GoSNHOPkIt has been close to one year since the US Supreme Court made same-sex marriage the law of the land. The Court of course cannot make laws in the first place, but that is a discussion for another time.

Many thought it would be years before we see restrictions on churches and their ability to preach the gospel as it is written in the Bible, including sermons against homosexual practice. But some, including justices Scalia and Alito foresaw restrictions not only on churches but on Christian schools who uphold the traditional position on marriage and human relationships. Continue reading “Biola and Other Christian Universities Targeted by LGBT Agenda”

Freedom of Religion Restricted by CPS in Norway

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This issue first came to light in the Bodnariu case where nosy teachers and social workers pressed the Bodnariu girls on theological issues taught in their family. Issues regarding sin, and God’s punishment of it. Based on the girls’ answers, CPS further probed them with leading questions which led to a 6 month confiscation ordeal. Religious matters were definitely a factor in this case, in a country that touts freedom of religion. Continue reading “Freedom of Religion Restricted by CPS in Norway”

Cruz-Avramescu Case: Child Protection Outrage in Norway


A bizarre situation illustrating the outrage against the Norwegian CPS has developed in Norway with a Norwegian-Romanian family.

In March 2014, the two boys (5 and 6 years old) of deaf parents Roberto Cruz and Andreea Avramescu were confiscated by Barnevernet after allegations of spanking at home. Spanking or corporal discipline is not considered child abuse throughout the world at large, but in Norway it is illegal. Continue reading “Cruz-Avramescu Case: Child Protection Outrage in Norway”

Let the Whole World Hear: The Kidnapping of an Infant in Norway


Five police officers along with a social worker from Barnevernet stormed Margaret Hennum’s house. In true 1930’s Nazi style, they took Caspian, the above sleeping infant from his crib. In fact, this picture is taken not long before the kidnapping.

Context: Margaret is a neonatal intensive care nurse working in Norway and she has been housing Nadia and her infant son Caspian for the past month. Nadia has been discharged from a Mother’s Home in Norway about a month ago and she has been housed by Margaret’s family since then. Their story was published anonymously by Chris Reimers here. They are no longer anonymous. They are desperate after what they experienced today. Continue reading “Let the Whole World Hear: The Kidnapping of an Infant in Norway”

Pastor John Piper Comments on Norway Law and Bodnariu Case!

9am Plenary Wed 20 October 2010 Photo: Micah Chiang
Pastor John Piper (2010)

A reader in Norway writes in: “Hello Pastor John, thank you for all that you have done for the kingdom and for this podcast. I have a question regarding child rearing. You have formerly said that you would go to jail over the issue of spanking. I agree with you that spanking is biblical. But in my home country, Norway, as well as in many other countries, spanking is illegal. The consequences would then not only be that one may have to go to jail, but that the government would take your children. This has now happened in the famous Bodnariu case where a couple in Norway lost their children after spanking them. Continue reading “Pastor John Piper Comments on Norway Law and Bodnariu Case!”