Controversatul JohnMacArthur – Este chemarea noastră să influențăm cultura în care trăim?

John MacArthur are un punct de vedere precis și clar exprimat, dar care ne poate liniști sau neliniști, depinde cum primim expunerea sa.


I hear a lot of talk today about the church impacting culture.  Coming back from Atlanta, where I went to the Christian Booksellers’ convention this week, I read a couple of books on the plane, both of them had to do with confronting our culture, affecting and impacting our culture.  But frankly, folks, that’s not our goal.   That is not our goal.  It sounds like a noble goal, and I’m sure there are people who can see certain noble aspects of it, and there may be some.

But our goal is not to impact our culture by changing their moral values.

Our goal is not to impact our culture by creating traditional values, family values through legislation or judicial process.

Our goal is not to make sure that the United States of America adheres to a national policy that equates to biblical morality.  That is not our goal.  We are…

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